WordPress 4.5 is Expected To Release in April 2016

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The next version of WordPress which is WordPress 4.5 is expected and targeted to release in April 12, 2016. The version is already in development and the core development team had published a project schedule. The planned release of the beta-1 version of WordPress 4.5 will be on the end of February and three more beta versions of the software before the final release. The release lead for the version 4.5 is Mike Schroder, WordPress core developer. It will be assisted by two other release deputies, Adam Silverstein as the release deputy and Mel Choyce as the design deputy. The upcoming new features for the WordPress 4.5 includes improvements with customizer, improving Post Edit and Publishing process, improving compression of images and HTTPs improvements.

To know more about the additional new features that works as plugins, check the full article here.

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