Add The Skype Share Button in WordPress – Tutorial


In this post, we will show to you on how to add Skype share button in WordPress and here we go. First and for most, install and activate Skype share plugin and go to Settings > Skype share button page to configure the plugin. You have two options in doing the setup; the first option is to enable the share button and must check the box to enable the button on your WordPress site. Then, you need to choose a button size which is the available sizes is large share, small share, circle icon, and square icon. And choose the location of the button either chooses to show it on top of the article or below the article. Click on the save changes button to store your settings and visit your website with Skype Share button.

The second option is to manually add in your theme files. If you’re willing to do it manually, you can check here the manual code instructions.


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