15% Off the WP Rocket Performance Plugin

Our friends at WP Rocket have launched a special promotional campaign for all readers of Premium WordPress Support! Use the premiumwpsupport15 for 15% discount while registering for the WP Rocket caching and performance optimization plugin. The code is only valid for the first 5 registered users, so sign up now!

We have interviewed Jean-Baptiste, one of the founders of WP Rockets, who has shared his experience building the business and the plugin itself.

1. Hey Jean-Baptiste, thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for Premium WordPress Support. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hey, thank you for having me 🙂
I’m Jean-Baptiste, cofounder of WP Rocket with my 2 partners Jonathan and Julio. I’m a WordPress addict since many years ago.
I manage the communication, the promotion of WP Rocket and all the servers stuff.

2. You are behind the WP Rocket team – how did you end up building a caching and performance optimization plugin and what does the team look like?

Jonathan and I are web performance nerds. For many months we have been looking to offer a service in the field of web performance. About one and a half year ago, Jonathan published a tutorial on his blog : How to Create a Cache System on WordPress.
It’s a little script which provides a simple alternative to the existing caching plugins.
Following the craze around the cache script we decided to go further, and the idea of WP Rocket was born as a premium WordPress plugin.

Today we are three in the team :

– Jonathan, a WordPress developer. He codes most of the plugin
– Julio, a WordPress developer and security expert. He codes all the security stuff (the validation key for example)
– Jean-Baptiste, I manage the communication, the promotion and our servers

3. How does WP Rocket compare to other competitors in the market such as W3 Total Cache ot WP Super Cache?

Our main philosophy for WP Rocket is simplicity and efficiency.
Other Caching Plugins give so much options that it’s a pain in the ass to configure them.

According to the WordPress philosophy we follow the Decision Not Options rule :

« When making decisions these are the users we consider first. A great example of this consideration is software options. Every time you give a user an option, you are asking them to make a decision. When a user doesn’t care or understand the option this ultimately leads to frustration »

WP Rocket has only a few options, we make the decision for our customer to enable 80% of the best web performance practice upon the plugin activation. Then through a fancy administration he can modify basic and advanced options.

WP Rocket has a lots of exclusive functionalities, such as:

– Lazy Load in native JavaScript
– A White Label option
– A clever cache preloading. Once your update a post or your cache has expired, our robots will come to your site to automatically preload the cache files

Then we have a great support team to help our customers if they have an issue.

4. Could you share the most common issues or support requests you’ve been struggling with when it comes to your existing client base?

The most common issue is about JS and CSS minification. It’s really hard to perfectly handle the minification. For example with the JS minification, if a « ; » is missing at the end of a JS file the minification won’t properly work.
That’s why it’s possible to exclude some files from the minification, and we help on the support our customers to do it 🙂

5. What does the future hold for WP Rocket?

We are working very hard to give our customers new killing features with WP Rocket over our next updates 🙂
Each day more and more websites are using WP Rocket, it’s very motivating for us.
In the very short term we are moving in 3 months to San Francisco to meet the WordPress community there and do some partnerships as well.

Sign up with premiumwpsupport15 and get your 15% discount for WP Rocket now!

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